George Powell & Sandy Dhuyvetter
These two little cowpokes turned in their toy holsters for a mandolin and an accordion. Sandy and George decided music builds better bridges then their ways of old.
Together they share their love of music by performing and writing music together. They brought along a little country, a lot of soul and some sounds that will recreate the images of memories both long ago and present. Sandy Dhuyvetter and George Powell take their audiences around the world with sounds that are exciting, new and refreshing.
Leelanau County’s AllMusicConsidered Releases Debut Music Video, “If It Don't Bleed”
Sandy Dhuyvetter and George Powell — who are based in Northport and are a duo in life and music — share their version of the tune with lyrics sung by Powell, also on mandolin, and Dhuyvetter on the accordion. In addition to performing live shows in the region as AllMusicConsidered, Dhuyvetter and Powell also play on the interactive livestreaming entertainment site Twitch.tv, with 12,000 followers. “It is an interesting story for folks our age to thrive on a livestream,” shares Dhuyvetter, whom locals may also know as director of Leelanau UnCaged (yep, returning this September!). She is also beloved around the globe as Momma Fett.
For more information go to: Leelanau County’s AllMusicConsidered Releases Debut Music Video, “If It Don't Bleed” |
The Ticker (leelanauticker.com)
To see more or Sandy and Georges videos go to our VIDEO page or our YourTube page.
George and Sandy's First Christmas Single.
The song, Christmas Tree Farmin' is the story of Powell’s growing up farming Christmas Trees near Traverse City, MI. Its radio debut is Sunday Dec 4, 2023 on the popular Carey Carlson's program called the Back Burner on WTCM 103.5FM. The Christmas trees seedlings were planted in 4 counties, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Benzie and Kalkaska. It was a substantial year round endeavor supplying up to 30,000 trees around the country during the season. After the distribution was completed, Powell and a few of the workers would travel south to set up an old fashioned 'Christmas Tree Lot' in Detroit.
“We would stay until Christmas eve in a small trailer until we sold out the trees. It was not always easy to have a Christmas spirit after so many months of hard work.” Sandy Dhuyvetter added, “the song has a country, easy feeling to it. It’s got a folksy, full of life vibe and a strong beat for tapping your toes.”The song was done as a collaboration with another musician and Twitch streamer in the UK, Matty Twigg. Go to www.cc23.bandcamp.com to buy the digital album. ALL proceeds go to Doctors without Borders. As of Christmas over $30,000 has been raised with album sales.
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Sandy and George